We realized we lost quite a number of darts after a simple dart sorting and checking , so we ordered some more to restock! The Fer De Lance darts (left) and the SDL Dart Tag Darts (right). These darts are available at Black-Tactical.
We use the FDL darts as a substitute for Streamline darts - they work perfectly! In fact , they fit almost any Nerf gun! They come in a pack of 30 for $10.90. Theoretically they should fly further more accurately due to a weighted tip (unlike Nerf Streamlines which flight paths are fairly unpredictable due to light weighted tips) , but could easily weave of path due to a non aerodynamic shape. But those complicated theories aside , these darts are definitely worth getting!
We decided to buy (and try out) SDL tagger darts because Nerf Tagger darts are $14 a pack , and these are just $9.90 for 30 darts! They appear to have a lighter body and heavier tip , meaning they could be slightly more accurate and could fly further! The Velcro tips stick fairly well to our tagger vests so far , and the tips are rather hard compared to the Nerf version. If you want some cheap tagger darts that work (maybe work even better) , you should defiantly get a pack of these!
I found the SDL darts for sale at $5 USD in the United States here: